The Law of Giving (& Receiving)

As we enter a new month we approach the second law of spiritual success; The Law of Giving.  This simple law helps us understand that we live in a universe that is in constant flow of energetic abundance in the form of dynamic exchange.  Its constant dynamic exchange is you and you are it. 


This month is an opportunity for you to participate more in this dynamic exchange, recognizing how you can support, ignite and create the circulation of wealth and affluence.  It may take you some time to recognize the fullest extent of this offering, as you may get “stuck” on some ideas or concepts of what is wealth and affluence.  What can help is to remember the first law of pure potentiality is rooted in infinite possibilities.   Your current definition of wealth and affluence may be limited to money or things, but allow it grow into thoughts, prayers, kindness, care, joy and love to name a few possibilities.


Focus this month on how you circulate all things or when you hold back.  Recognize those moments when you want to stop circulation, whether it is in receiving or giving, then pause, take a breath, and see if you can open to flowing again.  The root word for affluence is “to flow to,” a reminder to keep things flowing.  Some of us will be increasing our capacity for giving while others will be expanding our potential for receiving. 


Be attentive to how you feel as you offer a gift of a smile, words of gratitude, and/or actions of kindness, as we empower it all with free flowing intentions and release any expectations and resentments. This is a law that exponentially increases. The more you give love the more you receive, the more you speak from kindness, the more you will hear it.  You get the idea?


Be available to give while respecting others’ ability to receive (or not.)  Open yourself to receiving, while expressing the gratitude you may feel while receiving.  Let this grow, expand and nurture each day this month. Deepak recommends to wake up each day and commit yourself to doing 3 things by reminding yourself to say:

1.        Wherever I go, and whoever I encounter, I will bring them a gift.  The gift may be a compliment, a flower, or a prayer.  Today, I will give something to everyone I come into contact with, and so I will begin the process of circulating, joy, wealth and affluence in my life and in the lives of others.

2.        Today I will gratefully receive all the gifts that life has to offer me.  I will receive the gifts of nature: sunlight and the sound of birds singing or spring showers or the first snow of winter.  I will also be open to receiving from others whether it be in the form of a material gift, money, a compliment, or a prayer.

3.        I will make a commitment to keep wealth circulating in my life by giving and receiving life’s most precious gifts: the gifts of caring, affection, appreciation, and love.  Each time I meet someone, I will silently wish them happiness, joy, and laughter.

Get ready for an amazing month!  This can be truly a remarkable practice.k recommends to wake up each day and commit yourself to doing 3 things by reminding yourself to say:

1.        Wherever I go, and whoever I encounter, I will bring them a gift.  The gift may be a compliment, a flower, or a prayer.  Today, I will give something to everyone I come into contact with, and so I will begin the process of circulating, joy, wealth and affluence in my life and in the lives of others.

2.        Today I will gratefully receive all the gifts that life has to offer me.  I will receive the gifts of nature: sunlight and the sound of birds singing or spring showers or the first snow of winter.  I will also be open to receiving from others whether it be in the form of a material gift, money, a compliment, or a prayer.

3.        I will make a commitment to keep wealth circulating in my life by giving and receiving life’s most precious gifts: the gifts of caring, affection, appreciation, and love.  Each time I meet someone, I will silently wish them happiness, joy, and laughter.

Get ready for an amazing month!  This can be truly a remarkable practice.

Nancy Curran