3/9/25 - Did you spring forward? How can neutral help you transition the time change? Come settle in and see.
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Slo Mo Flo Yoga with Vera
Read More3/9/25 - Did you spring forward? How can neutral help you transition the time change? Come settle in and see.
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Slo Mo Flo Yoga with Vera
Read More3/8/25 - Today open the heart to neutral and see what gift(s) will open with it.
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM - Nancy's Yoga for Every Body
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Susan's Yoga Relief
MARKER: 9-10 AM Don is poolside with you
Read More3/7/25 - Sometimes in order to make a shift we need to first find the neutral state.
FT ZACH & ONLINE: 8:15-9:45 AM Don's Yoga for Every Body
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Aqua Yoga with Susan
Read More3/6/25 - Shift into neutral, hang loose and observe
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Yin Yoga with Nancy time for Neutrality
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Yoga Relief with Susan
Read More3/5/25- Neutrality gives us a moment to assess from a different perspective
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Don's Yoga Rhythm - set your spirit free
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Aqua Yoga with Ranya
Read More3/4/25 -
FT ZACH & ONLINE: 8:15-9:45 AM Yoga for Every Body under the pines with Nancy
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Yoga Relief on the beach
Read More3/3/25 - Our Mudra this month is Shunya Mudra, the mudra of emptiness to help guide us into Neutrality.
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Yoga for Every Body with Don
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Gentle Yoga with Letti
Read More3/2/25 - Finding Neutrality creates a beautiful "timeout" that allows us space to reframe any given moment clearly.
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM SLO MO FLO with Vera will give you that time and space to feel yourself in the practice and adjust.
Read More3/1/25 - Today we begin our practice of Madhyastha, Neutrality
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Join Nancy for Yoga for Every Body
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Susan's Yoga Relief
MARKER: 9-10 AM Poolside Yoga with Laszlo
Read MoreWe continue down the path of empowerment this month with Madhyastha, Neutrality. When we move into the energy of Neutrality we move away from rigid positions and see things multifactorial rather than black and white.
Read More2/28/25 - On our last day of exploring Courage let's remember there are so many ways to express it!
FT ZACH & ONLINE: 8:15-9:45 AM Don's Yoga for Every Body
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Aqua Yoga with Letti
Read More2/27/25 -
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Yin Yoga with Nancy building courage and compassion
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Yoga Relief with Susan, regeneration and calmness
Read More2/26/25 - Using wisdom to discern when it is time to roar or sit in stillness courageously
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Don will get your yoga groove on with Yoga Rhythms
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Flow your yoga in the pool with Amanda with Aqua Yoga
Read More2/25/25 - Deep practice when we center ourselves in the heart
FT ZACH & ONLINE: 8:15-9:45 AM Join Nancy exploring yoga with acceptance
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Susan's Yoga Relief in self care
Read More2/24/25 - Courage and Wisdom are amazing collaborators.
FT ZACH: Class is cancelled
SOUTHERNMOST: Class is cancelled
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow
Read More2/23/25 - Yes you can!
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Vera's Slo Mo Flo, a practice of finding space and approach the unfamiliar
Read More2/22/25 - We discovered in our Yoga talk a link between Courage and compassion, adventure, curiosity and wonder
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Join Nancy as we explore with these senses
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Letti's Yoga Relief
MARKER: 9-10 AM Poolside Yoga with Laszlo
Read More2/21/25 - It’s our monthly after yoga talk today.
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 am Yoga for Every Body with Don
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 am Aqua Yoga with Letti
Read More2/20/25- Unapologetically frees us on so many levels. Judgment melts away into joy.
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 am speaking of melting, come practice Yin Yoga with Nancy today
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 am Yoga Relief with Amanda today.
Read More2/19/25 - Open mindedness implies a willingness to learn or relearn, not to be gullible or naive.
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45am. Yoga Rhythms with Don your chance to get groovy with your yoga practice
SOUTHENMOST: 9-10 am Aqua Yoga with Amanda. Make a splash!
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