10 Ways to FUNd your Intentions


Many like to work with intentions, but often find there is a deficiency between creating the intention and seeing it become manifested. What if there was less “working” with intentions and more PLAY? Let’s take a look at intentions and then how to amp up the empowerment of them through a playful FUN spirit that FUNds the intention into creation.


Keys to setting Intentions

  • Keep them simple – less is more with intentions so finding the seed is important.

  • See them clearly – take the time to hone down the noise, confusion, doubts, fears, uncertainty and find the core to what you are seeking.

  • Hold them close- share them with those who will support, encourage or create space for you to fulfill them.

  • Be persistent – creating something new is a timeless practice.

  • Surrender – there is a certain amount of letting go that fuels intentions. Get ready, get set, let go!


Intentions vs Affirmations

Intentions are the dreams, visions, directions that you are proclaiming. They are expanded through the senses as you see them, feel it, hear or maybe even taste it.

Affirmations are the statements you use to fuel the intentions. Let them be in the present and positive. Then speak in terms of what you wish to become, not what you are getting rid of.


“I will be less fearful” becomes “I am courageous.”

“I want to be less angry” becomes “I am accepting.” Or “I am tolerant.”



You are Not Alone

Intentions and affirmations are empowered by a willingness to be in collaboration with that which is greater than you are. Trust, faith and love are key to this practice or path. You become open to assistance from “other” forces and you become aware of how the support is showing up in your life. As much as you will want to create actions that are in line with your intentions, it is EQUALLY important to create space for life to nourish your intention, and stillness to let it unfold. The more tension that exists in your “pursuit” of your intention, the less ability it has to expand, formulate, and grow. Relax, breath and feel the power of trust.


Make it FUN

Another important element that many fail to see, let alone allow in the creations of intention, is to shine great amount of light, in all forms, upon the intention. I already spoke of it in discussing the importance of clarity in creating your intention but consider also a lightness of spirit. FUNding your intentions with a playful approach will allow the vibration to magnify the intention.


Here are 10 ways to FUNd your intentions:


  1. Create a Dreamboard – get out the old magazines and start cutting out bright and colorful pictures that embody your intentions. Let then inspire all of your senses!

  2. Write out a check to yourself from the Universe. MAKE IT BIG~!

  3. Gather all your change and toss it out on your front walk, let the Universe flow more abundance to you.

  4. Pay it forward – open up the channels of receiving by first giving in a way that feels GREAT!

  5. “Go outside and play” was a powerful place for many of us as we grew up. Live it again and enliven your intentions with the joyful spirit of play and nature.

  6. Appreciation raises the value and vibration of things. Make it a game you play- i.e. 100 days / 100 ways of Appreciation or pick an action you do (like yawning) as a stop point to pause and appreciate something!

  7. Have a party to celebrate Intention. Invite all those supportive friends to come share their intentions and celebrate as if they are fulfilled!

  8. Play dress up: Get up today and live your day as if the intent
    ion was complete. How would you dress, eat, speak to others? Live it now!

  9. Link your Intention with a song, and sing it often!

  10. Decorate your home with your affirmations. You can be subtle and paste a few in your bedroom or office, or go full out and place them all over the house!


The key to this practice is to make it fun! It is the spirit of playfulness that fuels the intention. In being playful we are open, receptive and limitless in potential. Have a blast and may all your intentions be fulfilled!

Melissa Ingram