Ahimsa is the Yama in which we focus on living in the absence of violence both within ourselves as well as the world we live in.  Considered to be the key Yama, Ahimsa guides us to reach in and release the violence in our thoughts (that harm us mentally), our feelings (that leads us to destroying our psyche) and our actions both in self caring and to all that we live with, in nature and others.


Some interpret this Yama to be non-lion like, restraining the roar in our being.  What a challenge that can be, to quiet the “beast” within.  Begin to hear the sound of AH vibrating in our whole being instead of the roar of AUGGH!  How sweet the vision is of a world of beings all vibrating to AH!  In the meantime, with this new awareness watch for opportunities to practice releasing the roar into a soft breath. Offering ourselves moments to practice turning the feelings of self-anger, frustration and fear towards others into patience or acceptance begins this practice of Ahimsa.  Love can begin the transformation.  


Ask yourself is this thought or feeling doing harm and if the answer is yes then take some time to look for choices that will be non-harming.  Better yet how can you build support, kindness, and loving through your thoughts and actions?  Like an onion this practice will have infinite layers to it.  Practicing in the present will lead you inward while not overwhelming you.  Remember this is not a destination but a journey that will guide and inspire you.


Each moment when you find yourself wondering or considering the choice or choices presented to you, take some time to ponder those choices from the perspective of Ahimsa.  Will this harm me?  Will this help or hinder?  Is there kindness at the root?


Let’s journey together holding each other’s highest good in consideration.


Nancy Curran