We kick off a new month and year with  Aparigraha, the fifth Yama from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. This Yama asks us to take only what we need, keep only what is serving us now and let go of the rest to serve others. Sometimes translated to mean non-greed, it also encompasses non,-hoarding, non-attachment and non-possessiveness. On and off the mat we will look at how we hold onto beliefs (shoulds) while exploring the fine art of letting go. 


Aparigraha encourages us to live free from greed, taking only that which is needed.  With fewer possessions we are freer to know ourselves deeply and completely, without the responsibilities and distractions of the possessions.  Does this mean we give away everything?  Keep in mind we take that which we need and as we integrate the Yamas, then there is moderation, contentment, and truth in our choices   


As you begin this new year and practice, take opportunities of choice or decisions to look through the lens of Aparigraha.  Do you truly need this?  Will you use it?  What sense of burden does keeping it attach to you?  Is there an attachment to this like “should”, “must”, “have to”?


What sense of liberation will come to you as you explore this Yama?  It is layered.  You might sit on the surface or delve deeply, but know that it is endless.  It is said that with complete understanding of one’s self we are free to understand the cycle of birth and death.  


What a wonderful way to kick off a new year.


Nancy Curran