This month we’re going to be focusing on Courage or Sahsi in Sanskrit.  Let’s inspire ourselves to use courage to step forward, guided by our intuition and not hide in the shadows of our fears. Let’s listen to our inner wisdom and let go of the hold our ego may have on us to stay in the comfort of our past habits. 


In challenging times, we are called upon to grow, inspire, and change.  It is the confrontation of a situation that creates a friction within us to look at our beliefs and address the need to expand or contract.  This impedance challenges our ego which then often goes into a pattern to defend itself, dig in to hold our ground or like a turtle retreat into our shells and hide. In this moment wisdom asks us to have the courage to initiate a change within, to become open and to expand. 


Courage arises from our intuition and awareness, which then fuels our energy to create.  We become inspired to reevaluate our beliefs, fuel our actions and to live in bold ways.  As an agent of change, courage can be a quiet gentleness that shifts something within us or fuels a fire within us to thrust us forward beyond our fears.   The changes can be internal or external. We can begin to be more understanding of other perceptions or organize actions around us to elicit a change. 


As an energy of the heart, we take these precious 28 days in February to build change using Courage as an agent of change.  The power of our heart is magnificent and is readily available to support us in a life that is bold, inspired, creative and flows easily.  The heart’s intuitive function is broad and deep and will fuel the Courage you will be practicing.  Spend time each day being aware of your feelings and “listening” to the guidance of the heart. Your awareness of fear will become an alarm awakening you to be aware of the intuition of the heart, quiet the chatter of the mind and let Courage arise.


Lee Harris shares these 9 areas to get you started in exploring how you would like to bring Courage into your life:

·      When we allow our voice.

·      When we allow our feelings and our healing.

·      When we allow our dreams.

·      When we allow the needs and expressions of our body.

·      When we allow our soul/higher self/intuition to be part of our day.

·      When we allow change into our old habits and patterns.

·      When we allow internal time with who we are and who we are becoming

·      When we allow positive transformation in our relationships

·      When we allow ourselves to enact our next purpose.


There are so many quotes about Courage.  I leave you with this one from Winston Churchill: “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. “ May this month give you the opportunity to practice both and the wisdom to know the right time for each one. 

Nancy Curran