Every New Day Brings a Clean Slate

Good Morning.


You crack open your eyes, you stretch and turn, then feel for this first moment of conscious awakening. How do I feel this morning?  Take a breath and simply notice.


What is your morning habit? Take a moment and reflect on it. Are your first waking moments full of rote motion and doing? Do you hang for a moment in the ripeness of awakening just pausing to feel your state of being? Is the first day of a new year the only time you take stock, pause and become aware?


It is a lovely practice to take the first few moments in the act of awakening to take stock. Did your sleep refresh you or leave you feeling a tad weary? Are you waking up with some residue of your dreams that you wish to carry forward into your day, or shake off and liberate yourself from? What directives of your next action are going to be unnoticed and drive you during the day, or can you take this fresh moment to self direct from your personal awareness?


Many of us do this while crossing over from the past year into the new year, but why not every morning? We let go of the old. We commit to something new or rekindled. Between 12/31 and 1/1 we seem inspired to use the space between those dates to take action, declare, and find the courage to LET GO of the old. The heaviness of doing it once a year can be overwhelming. That’s a whole lot of renewal.


Well here’s to taking the first moments of each morning to reflect, feel and adjust. Little by little you turn your boat, gently in a new direction. Small tiny steps of renewal, rather than trying to turn a giant ship in one huge swooping effort, is so much easier and often more successful.


Here’s to this NEW DAY! I raise my heart to your renewal and healing, to your awakening and refreshing. Happy New Year!

Melissa Ingram