Gifts of the Sea: Seavasana
Gifts of the Sea: Seavasana
July 31st, 2013
Seavasana – Cape Cod
Why I love it!
It was on a very steamy morning about 4 or 5 years ago when I was inspired to take Savasana, the final relaxation portion of a yoga class, into the ocean. Thus Seavasana was born!
Fully clothed, a few of the students joined me as we laid back into the ocean, floated on our backs, with our ears in the sea and drifted with the waves and current. Sounds divine, doesn’t it?
Well, yes but not always right away. The first thing I discovered was my breath was so tight as my body had contracted when it felt the coolness of the ocean. Then I realized, delightfully, that with my ears in the water I could hear my breath so very clearly. Focusing on the sound of my own breath, I used it to help regulate my body and release into the sea. I love that clarity that the sea gives me to hear my breath and feel my tension.
As my body began to relax and float on the waves I could feel this immense sensation of tension in my neck, shoulders and jaw. WHOA! What is that my mind asked, while my breath kept offering me relaxation. I began to feel this smile melt over my heart and run through my body. EASE in a whole new way was the gift the sea gave me.
Over the years many have joined me in this practice, and it is a gift to be present with so many who explore their own bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) in the medium of the sea. I love witnessing the miracles that have been a part of this practice with my fellow students and teachers. I am honored to be present as they birth ease in the flowing nature of the sea.
What I’ve learned
Letting go can be very hard, and equally very easy. It is the conditioning and the conditions that seem to affect our ability to surrender. I have watched and assisted many who bring a fear of the water into the sea with them for Seavasana. Some find their way from a stiffening tension into a jellyfish like floating relaxation in a breath or two. Others ask for assistance and I simply hold their heads until I feel their body go limp and see their breathing regulate, and I release them to their own mastery. It is such an honor to be witness to the powerful transformation of fear into ease.
I’ve learned to open my eyes during this practice and drink in the vastness of space that visually soothes me, as my body feels the vastness of sea floating my body on each wave.
I’ve learned that the powerful nature of this practice of surrender is magnified as the force of a current draws our bodies along the shoreline. Some days we drift aimlessly, while other days it feels like we are flying as the current is swift and the clouds fly with us in the sky.
I’ve been challenged by the windy, wavy days as they present a whole other condition that seems counterintuitive to the practice of Seavasana. In the practice I have been frustrated and fearful of the waves splashing over my face, making me sputter and spew the sea’s waters. I’ve discovered it is less distracting if I position myself with my head into the waves. Even more revealing is the gift given to me the day I surrendered to the conditions of the sea and found my ease and centered nature, even with the ocean boiling and rolling under me. OH, what a gift that I can now walk on land with; to be centered and at ease even when the energy around me is not.
Seavasana is an option we offer at Yoga on the Beach. It is a gift for sure, whether we jump in to cool off, lay back and explore the gifts of the sea or stay on land floating on the sand. Time to just be, to surrender and allow is the offering. It is our joy to create some space for you to explore in.