Joy, maybe it is something you find, choose, blooms within or it simply happens.   This month we are going to explore what JOY’s feeling is and how to energize it.  As I’m writing this my grandson is playing badminton with Don, and just laughed with such glee that it spread joy in my heart.  It is exactly why I thought JOY would be a great focus for this month of July.  


It is time to open to the joy of life again, as many of us have been deprived from it during the pandemic.  Our focus had to turn to safety, care and security which often depletes our JOY storage chamber.  Let us learn to balance our awareness of being safe while still finding pleasure and joy in living!


First let’s explore our ways of joy.  Take some time today to write down what brings you joy.  Whether it is something simple or complex, something every day or seldom occurring, take note of it.  Is it a remarkable feeling for you, or subtle almost allusive feeling?  Do you conjure it up on your own, or allow others to elicit it in you?  If JOY is a currency of life, how do you manifest it, save it or spend it?  Do you consider yourself wealthy or in poverty?


Do you relate your JOY with conditions or limitation, or is it an unconditional energy that is limitless?  We know that our beliefs create our reality.  What is it you are choosing to believe in?


Explore some of JOYs siblings – gaiety, mirth, merriment and festivity.  Book some time each day that oozes these feelings and see the benefits you will feel.  JOY is one of our heart’s truly energizing “e-motions.”  Let the energy of JOY move freely or at least notice when we are scrimping or limiting the feeling/energy moving through you that is JOY. 


When you awake in the morning pick a focus for your JOY practice:


·      When you can, BE joyful.  

·      Bring JOY forth and allow other habits to recede.

·      Harness the mind to understand and create JOY.

·      Giggle, laugh, tickle your heart.

·      Surround yourselves with those who enJOY life.

·      Give generously in this feeling and share it!


Here you go, a full month of practice, awareness, sharing and exploring.  May you be tickled in the outcome!

Nancy CurranYoga, Practice, JOY