Madhyastha - Neutrality
We continue down the path of empowerment this month with Madhyastha, Neutrality. The Neutral mind allows us to get a “bird’s eye view” that transcends the polarity of opposites. When we move into the energy of Neutrality we move away from rigid positions and see things multifactorial rather than black and white.
From the book Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins:
“Taking such positions (rigid/dichotomies) creates polarization, which in turn creates opposition and division. As in the martial arts, a rigid position becomes a point of vulnerability; that which doesn’t bend is liable to break. Rising above barriers or oppositions that dissipate one’s energies, the Neutral condition allows for flexibility and nonjudgmental, realistic appraisal of problems. To be Neutral means to be relatively unattached to outcomes; not getting one’s way is no longer experienced as defeating, frightening, or frustrating.”
At this level of awareness we begin to actually build confidence and well-being where safety is truly felt. These are the people we feel safe being around, who are easy to get along with and we care to associate with as they are not interested in conflict, competition and guilt. At the same time Neutral people are difficult to control as they value freedom.
Yoga’s perspective calls this level of awareness the 4th Body, also known as the Meditative Mind or Intuitive Mind. We are no longer split between the positive and negative bodies, instead we are evaluating the two from this neutral space.
It is once we reach the Neutral Mind when the gates of deep remembrance of the self and soul open. Some of the qualities that are exhibited in the Neutral Mind space are:
§ service,
§ compassion,
§ steadiness,
§ trust,
§ loyalty,
§ balance,
§ and wisdom.
When the Neutral Mind is weak it becomes difficult to make decisions, integrate life experience and find the meaning in circumstances that arise.
Objectivity is a central condition of the Neutral Mind. Rather than being swayed or confused by the dramatic swings of emotions that polarity of the positive and negative minds creates, we are able to see clearly and with unattachment in the Neutral Mind. Wisdom bubbles up in this state of Neutrality.
We are delighted that we have 31 days in March to explore this state of being. Get ready to recognize when you are split into either the Negative (2nd) or Positive (3rd) body and allow yourself to pause and see if you can shift into a Neutral position. We are here with you, supporting you along the way.