In July we began turning our focus to Sraddha (faith), in August we built in Virya (vigor), which leads us to Smrti (memory) in September and now in October we come to discover Samadhi (stillness or contemplation).  The 5 qualities of the mind are a study in mind care.  Just as you learn to take care of your body in different ways, this practice is a way to care for the mind. 


Let’s look back on a simple self-care task like brushing your teeth.  First you had to discover faith in your parents or dentists telling you how important it was.  Then you had to use vigor to learn how to do it and push yourself to do it morning and night.  Eventually it became a habit committed to memory and vigor became a memory activity, which eventually may have become a very contemplative activity ripe with wisdom.


Our mind practice of self-care is very similar. We use Sradda, Virya and Smrti to build our way to Samadhi.  The practice of Samadhi is the point at which we shift into contemplative mind.  The ability to be one with our thoughts and awareness.  Stillness is prevalent and the wavering or wondering of the mind finds contentment. A presence of peace is dominating and builds a sense of comfort within.  Samadhi mind creates balance in our neurological system, ease in our physical activities and joy in our heart.


It is a practice, and at times we may need to go back and look at Sraddha or Virya if we are struggling.  What sense of faith or vigor may help to reset the practice for you?  The 5 qualities of the mind are not a ladder of achievement but a spiral that swirls inward and outward infinitely.   Enjoy the ride in self loving care.

Nancy Curran