The Law of Dharma

This month we come to the seventh and last Law of Spiritual Success, The Law of Dharma.  Dharma means a number of things according to different traditions, and we are focusing on the meaning as “purpose in life.”  In understanding Dharma we reach back to the first law of pure potentiality holding the key to our being in the essence of divinity, added to the concept that we are here in a human experience to come and fulfill a purpose.  I know that sounds heady to some but hang in with me, take a breath, as this can be simpler than our minds and especially our egos can make it.


Think of Dharma as having 3 components:

1.      Discover our true selves, that which is spiritual and divine

2.      Know our unique talents

3.      Be aware of how we can be in service to humanity


First, we take the time (and it may take a moment or years) to shed our old ways of thinking of ourselves as less than divine.  Imagine that your whole childhood you were only told how divine you were, how special you were, or that you were connected to limitless possibilities.  Your sense of self would be totally different then how it is if you have been judged, criticized, deflated or compared to others.  Taking the time to shed the old beliefs and come to see yourself as a divine spirit having occasional human experiences is the initiation.  Whether this is the beginning of your investigation into your divineness, or you may have been doing it for a while, continue to strengthen that knowing this month. 


Next, we come to know our unique talents. Sometimes this concept seems to overwhelm people, as we think it has to be a HUGE thing, like curing cancer.  But truly this is all about uniqueness not greatness and can be quite simple.   Ask yourself “what is it that I can do or ways that I am in the world that are unique and special to me?”  When are you in the process of something when you lose yourself and get lost in it?   What brings you joy and spreads it to others?  It can be one thing or many.  Notice both of these first two steps are deep explorations in knowing yourself connected to a spiritual way of being, not just the ego’s way of doing.


Lastly, we come to being of service to humanity.  A great question to ask here is “how can I help?” When we combine our unique talents with knowing our divinity we are living in the field of pure potentiality, where everything is possible and true abundance applies itself. This is a huge shift from the ego’s view of “what’s in it for me?” The ego often exists in a sense of lack and struggles to fight for its existence, while our spiritual self joyfully explores the field of abundance.  This is when we shift into “how can I help?” Once you do this you are now existing in the endless, abundant, limitless, and enduring way of life.


Here are the 3 ways of applying the Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life this month:

1.      Declare each day that you will lovingly nurture the divine in you. Watch as you feel spirit animate you in both body and mind and discover the timeless experiences this brings you.

2.      Sit down, relax and make a list of your unique talents.  Let your mind and body feel there way each day.

3.      Each day (moment to moment) ask yourself, “How can I help?” Let the answers come in both actions and ways of being.  Honor the answers and allow yourself to be in the flow of the experience.


Take this month to discover and apply the Law of Dharma.  Come to see how integrated the 7 laws are and watch the shift in your life.  We look forward to hearing of your experience.  Send us a text or email.  Namaste in light and love.

Nancy Curran