The Law of Intention and Desire

As we step into July, with all of the distractions of summertime, it is a fruitful month to hone our understanding of intention and desire.  Don turned to me after reading this chapter and said, “this could be a tricky one for some people.”   I agree, and yet each of us can only be on our path in life- learning, growing and understanding what we can from where we are at.  I encourage you to read the chapter if you can, enjoy the steps you are taking and as always know there is more in the field of pure potentiality encouraging you along.


It is innate in all of us to desire.  We dream about attaining.  We wish for things, aspire to be better, learn more and grow.  On an energetic level desire is limited in its power to manifest due to the attachment(s) and thoughts of insecurity and fears we often have around the desire.  While the universe is conspiring abundantly to create with us, we often keep throwing in “wrenches” with our sense of limitedness that block the full creation of our desires.


When we recognize this pattern, we are able to switch to intention.  We begin to shift our thoughts, awaken our consciousness and empower our desires with attention and intention.  From the book, “Whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger in your life.  Whatever you take your attention away from will wither, disintegrate, and disappear.  Intention, on the other hand, triggers transformation of energy and information.  Intention organizes its own fulfillment.”


One practice that fuels this law is being present, as we need to be present to focus our attention to energize the future intent.  Mindful, present moment awareness helps to observe what is happening in the moment and to recognize obstacles as they emerge.  I love that Deepak shares that more than 90% of obstacles are imaginary, while the rest are opportunities for us to transmute them, learn or change them.  This is one of those challenging concepts depending on where you are on your life path, as it asks of us to see ourselves as empowered not victims.  Be kind here and gentle, as this can be a huge leap on the path of life.


There are a few important “warnings” in doing this practice.  First off, it is important while using intentions that you link it with the benefit of mankind.  Secondly, while in the practice, be centered in a state of self-referral.  Which means be in contact with your true self and do NOT look at yourself in the eyes of the world.  This includes not sharing your intentions with anyone else unless they share your desires, as it depletes your energy and focus to come up against other’s negating viewpoints.  Third, let the universe handle the details!  Let the field of pure potentiality with its infinite organizing power orchestrate the details.  Trust that your intention will manifest in a way that you will benefit from as well as others.



Helpful ways to practice this is to make a list of all of your desires, to sit with it each morning and night to hone your attention on it.  Practice daily releasing this list and allow yourself to connect to the infinite power of pure potentiality.  Trust that the cosmic energy of the universe may have grander plans than you can envision in this moment. Lastly, remind yourself to practice present-moment awareness all day, in your thoughts and actions. Stay true to yourself and banish the imaginary obstacles as they present themselves.   Key to this is to accept the present moment as part of the materialization of our future intents.



Nancy Curran