The Law of Karma

Through our practice over the last 2 months, we have come to recognize the pure potentiality that surrounds us (first law) and the flow of giving and receiving (second law), to reach an understanding that each action, thought, feeling is part of a flow of creativity and destruction rooted in choices (third law).  Karma leads us to understand that we are constantly manifesting, whether we are conscious of it or not, rooted in the choices we have made or are currently making.


Karma in our western culture is misunderstood and often used from a judgement and punishment mindset. Like those signs in stores that warn you not to shoplift as it is “bad karma,” the implication being that there is good and bad karma. Karma exists and has no judgement to it. It does imply that everything has effect, and to become fully aware helps us to see our participation in the flow of abundance or deepening into lack.


As you become aware of The Law of Karma your choices shift from unconscious ones that run in the background to conscious choices.  You can begin to ask yourself 2 questions: 1) “What are the consequences of this choice that I’m making and 2) “Will this choice that I’m making now bring happiness to me and to those around me?”  If the answer to question one brings comfort to you from the heart, then proceed on.  If it feels uncomfortable stop and reassess.  If the answer to question two Is yes, then continue on but if the answer is that it will bring distress to you or those around you then make a new choice. 


The heart is a powerful source of knowing that speaks to us through sensation.  The sensations of comfort and discomfort are talking to you all the time, but slowing down and tuning in can be your practice.  When you ask yourself what the consequences of my action will be, feel for the signal the heart/body gives you.  If you trigger comfort that is the spontaneous right choice. If you feel discomfort, then that choice is not aligned to the highest good. Listen for these signals in the heart and/or solar plexus.


Here is what Deepak suggest for applying the Law of Karma:

1.    Today I will witness the choices I make in each moment.  And in the mere witnessing of these choices, I will bring them to my conscious awareness. I will know that the best way to prepare for any moment in the future is to be fully conscious in the present.

2.    Whenever I make a choice, I will ask myself two questions: “What are the consequences of this choice that I’m making,” and “Will this choice bring fulfillment and happiness to me and also to those who are affected by this choice?”

3.    I will then ask my heart for guidance and be guided by its message of comfort or discomfort.  If the choice feels comfortable, I will plunge ahead with abandon.  If the choice feels uncomfortable, I will pause and see the consequences of my action with my inner vision.  This guidance will enable me to make spontaneously correct choices for myself and for all those around me.

This month start to look at what you are doing/thinking/feeling that is part of the manifestations in your life. Things aren't happening TO you, you are part of the creation.

Nancy Curran