The Law of Pure Potentiality

For March we are beginning the journey into Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, starting  with the The Law of Pure Potentiality.  Let’s first begin by discussing the meaning of both Laws and Success as they relate to our spiritual and natural lives.


Culturally we mark success by the objects and power we possess.  Deepak suggests we define success in life “as the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals. The ability to fulfill your desires with effortless ease.”  We come to discover that when we are in harmony with nature we create with carefreeness, joy and love. 


Like yoga, think of success as a journey not a destination.  Expand your understanding from success as material wealth to include the following:

            Good health


            Enthusiasm for life

            Fulfilling relationships

            Creative freedom

            Emotional and Psychological stability

            Sense of well being

            Peace of mind

            Seeds of divinity within us

“When we begin to experience our life as the miraculous expression of divinity- not occasionally but all the time- then we will know the true meaning of success,” (Deepak Chopra.)


Laws from the spiritual sense of natural order can be defined as the process of unmanifested becoming manifested.  How the unknown becomes the known, invisible becomes visible, spirit becomes matter.  The source of all creation is divinity or spirit, while the process of creation is divinity in motion or mind, and the object of creation is the physical universe which includes body.  Spirit, mind and body come from the field of pure potentiality.


In the first law we come to explore Pure Potentiality.  In our natural state we are pure consciousness, clear of all the noise, doubts, suspects, etc.  When we connect to this field of pure potentiality we manifest with ease because we are unified with the field of pure consciousness.


Attributes of Consciousness

·      Pure joy

·      Pure knowledge

·      Infinite silence

·      Perfect balance

·      Invincibility

·      Simplicity

·      Bliss

What keeps us out of the field of consciousness are the moments when we shift from a “self-referral” to “object-referral.”  Self-referral is when our internal reference point is our own spirit while object-referral is being influenced by things outside ourselves.  Let’s understand object-referral a bit more as it will help us identify when we are operating there, and out of the field of pure potentiality.


You are operating in object referral when:


1.     Seeking approval of others

2.     Feel an intense need to control things

3.     Feel an intense need for external power

4.     You are driven by fear or ego


The essential difference between object and self referral is object-referral  is fear driven while the self-referral  is fearless.  Object-referral creates a false sense of power as it will only last as long as the object is there.  Self=power is permanent as it is based on the knowledge of Self.  Self-referral magnetizes people, situations, and circumstances to your desires.


Ways to access the field of pure potentiality are:

o   Daily practice of silence

o   Meditation

o   Non-judgment

o   Spending time in nature

o   Spend time in stillness


Spend time daily in silence.  Meditate each morning and evening.  Spend a day (or part of a day at first) in non-judgment.  Find time to be in nature, observing it as you connect to its rhythms.  As Deepak says, “The more tuned in you are to the mind of nature, the more you have access to its infinite, unbounded creativity.  But first, you have to go beyond the turbulence of your internal dialogue to connect with that abundant, affluent, infinite, creative mind.”


Let’s do this together.  Aum!


Nancy Curran