Tis the Season for CLC

The holidays are upon us, a time to turn our attention to Care, Love, Compassion and a gentleness that can have a great effect on many.

With all of the hub bub, events, family gatherings, shopping, and often drama from old and new emotional scars this is a perfect time to take a moment to remember to be gentle with ourselves. Take time to nurture the CLCs – Care, Love and Compassion. Set some time aside to renew yourself in Care, Love and Compassion so that you can navigate each day rooted in these 3 very powerful ways of BEING.



Here is a simple guideline or prayer you can hold in your heart:


Where there is frantic, may I hold the light of peace

Where there is drama, may I hold compassion in your heart

Where there is joy, may I share it gently

Where there is love, may I be loving

Where there is overwhelm, may I be caring

May my eyes be open, my ears listen, and my heart expand unconditionally


You may never know what another is feeling or experiencing. Go gently through this holiday season. Remember the CLCs.

Be Caring.

Be Loving.

Be Compassionate.

Let it begin with you!


Take time each day to take Care of yourself, be Loving in thoughts and actions toward yourself, and hold Compassion for yourself. Then as you move through your day you can share it gently with others.

Melissa Ingram