4/15/24 - The Law of Giving (and receiving) explains the phenomena of Universal life flow and its magnetic qualities
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Nancy is teaching this morning, let's flow in gratitude today
Read More4/15/24 - The Law of Giving (and receiving) explains the phenomena of Universal life flow and its magnetic qualities
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Nancy is teaching this morning, let's flow in gratitude today
Read More4/12/24 - Spread some wealth today, give joyfully!
FT ZACH & ONLINE: 8:15-9:45 AM Don lights things up from the beach
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM You'll be feeling the flow with Susan's Aqua Yoga class.
Read More4/11/24 - Conscious offerings come free of expectations, feel precious, are given gently.
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Don is offering Yin Yoga
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Lauren openly gifts Yoga Relief
Read More4/10/24 - Today allow your thoughts and actions to contribute to the flow of wealth
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Don guides you to health with Yoga Rhythms
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Amanda gets your joy flowing with Aqua Yoga
Read More4/9/24- Each day we have a opportunity to be conscious of how we are contributing to the flow of abundance or awaken to how we are blocking it.
FT ZACH & ONLINE: 8:15-9:45 AM ET Join Nancy for practice
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Susan's Yoga Relief
Read More4/8/24 - Today how will you be conscious of The Law of Giving
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Don's Yoga for Every Body
Read More4/7/24 - Each day we offer you a practice in the warm embrace of Mother Nature. Come receive her gifts.
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Join Laszlo today with SLO MO FLO as the sea, sky, birds, trees and bountiful nature sings to you
Read MoreAs we enter a new month we approach the second law of spiritual success; The Law of Giving. This simple law helps us understand that we live in a universe that is in constant flow of energetic abundance in the form of dynamic exchange. Its constant dynamic exchange is you and you are it.
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4/6/24- Committing to the path of abundance through giving and receiving today...
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Nancy is offering Yoga for Every Body beachside
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM receive the gift of Susan's Yoga Relief on South Beach
MARKER: 9-10 AM Laszlo gives you the offering of Serenity poolside
Read More4/5/24 - Today great each person with a gift - a smile, a kindness, a prayer
FT ZACH & ONLINE: 8:15-9:45 AM Join Don under the pines
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Aqua Yoga with Susan
Read More4/4/24 - We are smiling through yoga today and taking cover.
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Yin Yoga with Nancy in the Tiki Hut next to the concession stand
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Yoga Relief with Lauren undercover at the Sand Bar
Read More4/3/24 - Wake up each day and remember to give joy, kindness and abundantly while being open to receive
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Don's joyful Yoga Rhythms
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Amanda's playful Aqua Yoga
Read More4/2/24 - We begin our focus on The Law of Giving (and Receiving) and explore the great joy that is created in living a path of giving
FT ZACH & ONLINE: 8:15-9:45 AM Nancy is on the mat under the pines
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Susan’s Yoga Relief on South Beach
Read More4/1/24 - April brings us into The Law of Giving (& Receiving) using Pushpaputa Mudra
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Join Susan Hartzell on the beach for Yoga for Every Body
Read More3/30/24 - Getting comfortable in the field of Pure Potentiality...
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Join Nancy on the beach for Yoga for Every Body
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Yoga Relief with Susan on South Beach
MARKER: 9-10 AM Yoga Poolside with Laszlo
Read More3/29/24 - Be aware when Ego is overshadowing and shake it off!
FT ZACH & ONLINE: 8:15-9:45 AM Don is teaching Yoga for Every Body
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Susan's Aqua Yoga
Read More3/28/24 - While the plants dance in the rain...
FT ZACH: Class is cancelled
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Meet Lauren at the Sand Bar.
Read More3/27/24 - Join us today for our Yoga Talk about the Law of Pure Potentiality right after class at FT ZACH, bring a little something to share as we nurture the body, mind and spirit
FT ZACH: 8:15-9:45 AM Don’s Yoga Rhythm will work up your appetitie
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Amanda’s Aqua Yoga class in the Tranquility pool
Read More3/26/24 - Self-referral creates an eternal power source for us
FT ZACH & ONLINE: 8:15-9::45 AM Nancy is back on the beach with Yoga for Every Body
SOUTHERNMOST: 9-10 AM Join Amanda on South Beach for Yoga Relief
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