Cape Cod Yoga
We began teaching yoga classes in Cotuit, MA in 2000, and found our way to New Seabury’s beach club in 2002. It is amazing to think of the 20+ years of teaching in all of our locations over the years on Cape Cod.
Thank you to all those who have graced us with your presence. We have been blessed in so many ways.
As we have made the decision to no longer teach scheduled classes on Cape Cod it is with such an array of feelings, but gratitude is the one that stands out. For each of you who came and opened to nature’s beauty and the practice of yoga we thank you! Until we found the beach we started in Cotuit renting space on Main St, and in Freedom Hall, thank you for embracing us! For all the staff and members at New Seabury that supported us while we were there, thank you! On rainy days we were fortunate to use the church at Poppy Marketplace, thank you! To Save Popponesset Bay for opening the beach on Poppy Spit to us for the past six years, a BIG thank you!
We are still available to teach private classes and may show up subbing in our community. Stay tuned for speciality class offerings!