A Poem from the Heart

She screams from deep inside her heart – STOP IT!
Stop the hatred
Stop the fear
Stop the bigotry
Stop the bloodshed
Then her heart pushes harder and says “what then my dear?”

Love please

She screams from deep inside her heart – STOP IT!

Stop the hatred
Stop the fear
Stop the bigotry
Stop the bloodshed
Then her heart pushes harder and says “what then my dear?”

Love please
Understanding please
Compassion please
A gentle embrace please

And a deep sigh is heard

Today I reflected on all that seems to be stirring, boiling up and spurting out.  I struggle at times on how to hold the vibration of love, to keep my focus on how I can BE the difference and this poem came forth.  As I was inspired to express these feelings and thoughts, may you be inspired to live deeply from the heart’s purpose.  May you approach those trying moments, challenges and fears by listening to the wisdom of your own heart.  

Compassion     Love     Understanding  

Its a beginning.

Melissa Ingram