Rise Up Moments

There are people around you who inspire you in their actions, their speech, and their thoughtfulness. You already thought of some of them as you read that first line didn’t you? Have you ever wondered what it is about them that inspires you? What is different about them that brings you up, or maybe simply draws you in like a moth to a light?



Well here is just one thought to ponder – they are people who know how to actuate a RISE UP MOMENT! What is a Rise Up Moment you say? They are those moments when you feel you “can’t”, “shouldn’t”, “fear” or simply are sitting in “doubt”. In those moments you can choose to Rise Up or not. In Rise Up moments we are often unconscious which leads us to fall into habits that can either get us paralyzed by the fears and doubts or consciously awaken to query what will lead us to Rise Up.


It is those who Rise Up that are often our inspiration. They live a life from moment to moment making a choice to “go for it”, “do the right thing”, “listen to the higher inner voice” and stretch themselves.


You’ve seen them doing it, but may never have recognized what is actually happening that is inspiring you. Maybe you slip into a habit of not doing something when the inner doubts are activated. Those who inspire you actually are awakened in that same moment you may have fallen asleep. They hear a voice of wonder, see a moment of great opportunity and have repeated the pattern enough times to know how good it feels for everyone (including themselves) to Rise Up.



“Can I do this?”                 No, and I hate to fail     OR       YES I CAN!

“Should I do this?” No it will be _________(enter any words that express fear or uncertainty)


Those who inspire are willing to take a risk because it feels good to do it (based on repeated evidence) and although they may not succeed the first (or 5th) attempt, they have created a feeling of personal power that is raised up each time they do go for it.


You see it is not the fear of failure that stalls them into inaction, it is the joy of being more, learning through the attempts, or feeling the inflammation of personal power that motivates them into action. They smile when they are covered in the muck of a failed attempt, and like a dog, shake it off, and then look around to see what the next attempt will bring. And all of that is what inspires others.


So be inspired, notice when it is happening around you and be awakened. For that is how each of us begins the journey to personal power through a Rise Up Moment. Others raise us up, we are awakened, and then it is up to us to make the changes we want to be. It is a personal journey each of us defines. We know when it is OUR Rise Up Moment, and we take flight. Each risk is ours to assess from this new point of view, and we plunge in. Take the leap knowing that you may take flight, or land in a mud bath. Either way leads us to RISE UP, again.

Melissa Ingram