Empowerment - a practice for this month


 Why is it that we believe ourselves to be so small?  Why do we diminish ourselves and hide in the shadows?  Why do we allow others to cause us to think less of ourselves?  Why do we accept some version of disempowerment that comes from other sources?  Why?  Because we are unaware of how truly divine we are.  We are afraid to break free of the status quo that believes in the mass consciousness that we are “less than”.  We have become unconscious to these believes that we accepted a long time ago. We have been domesticated.


We are taught this at a very young age through our parents, our religions and our culture.  There is some convoluted belief that says that we MUST think less of ourselves to be humble and avoid the entrapments of narcissism. Fundamentally this believe is inaccurate.  You can believe in yourself, your gifts, your power and do your work with no fanfare, no need for approval and be completely humble.  Believing in yourself has nothing to do with being humble, nor does it mean you are a narcissist. 


Humility’s importance has been proselytized as a way for mankind to push some of us down, so others can succeed.  The true sense of humility aligns itself with knowing that WE are a connected and supported community, that each of us is a part of.  It helps us to understand our role, use our gifts and support other’s in their power, so that we do not think that we are singularly grand but are part of a magnificence that is worldwide. By developing in this way, we can avoid the pitfalls of the narcissist who is stuck in a pattern that excludes everyone but themselves, dismisses the way of community, focuses only on the “I”, and is vulnerable in the ways of pride.   


Sound familiar?  We all know people like this. They are difficult people to be around, as they often bully and demean others (and do even greater harm.)  Maybe you too have been guilty of this at times.  I think we all probably have spent part of our development in this behavior, and thankfully many of us have grown out of it.  


In his book LETTING GO, David Hawkins says, “Conversely, the humble person cannot be humiliated for they are immune to vulnerability, having let go of pride. In its place, they have an inner security and self-esteem.”  Let us walk this path of letting go of pride, and discover our inner security and self-esteem.


As I write this, I keep thinking of Mother Theresa, a woman who did such great deeds in the world, who shined her light so completely and was able to do it with great humility.  She had relinquished pride and found an inner security that supported her belief in the grandness of community!  She may have waivered at times but through her faith found the strength and power to do great things and be truly divine!


Let’s spend this month exploring our own sense of power, special gifts, and divine spirit.  Commit to a practice of Empowerment for 31 days that explores letting go of pride.  Let your light shine.  Explore the liberation and freedom that can be felt once we undertake this path.  Find your inspiration.  Encourage yourself and others along the way.  Emancipate your gifts, sharing them often and freely. 


Catch yourself doing these things and consent to change –

1.     Doubting yourself – say YES I CAN

2.     Verbally speaking about yourself in a demeaning way – change the words to inspire you!

3.     Allowing other’s opinions to matter – DON’T! Free yourself from this trap.

4.     Criticizing others as a way to feel better about yourself – STOP and find something encouraging to say


Some of these new behaviors may be difficult to do, as you may not have a great number of role models to follow.  Your practice may begin by looking around you for those who are great at supporting others and shine their spirit and light generously.  Listen to their words, take note and begin to emulate them.


Start to build a pattern and strategy that is self-fulfilling. Allow your inner voice to speak truthfully about yourself.  You don’t have to proclaim it out loud boastfully, but you do need to act on it fully!  Help your community grow, expand and empower itself to be the best that it can be.  You are part of the change that can happen.  Believe it!







Nancy Curran