Building Community through Yoga

One of the many gifts that yoga bestows on each of us is a sense of community.  For many of us we have practiced in studios where there is a bond that is formed through the social connections we make by practicing together.  Seeing each other week after week, day after day, we start to feel the connection.  We reach out beyond our mats, our eyes acknowledge and our hearts bond in common vibration.  Something larger than ourself is felt.  We commune.


The building of community is formed on the common ground of yoga.  Whether it is the passion, the experience, the suffering, the liberation or the lessons learned through our shared yoga experience, we begin to feel a thread connecting us.  Supporting each other becomes easy through the shared experience we have during class.  We feel each other’s hearts singing, groaning and calming during class and in that commonality, bonds are made.


Yoga promotes a practice of both nonjudgment and nonattachment.  It is the feeling of safety that arises from nonjudgment that allows us to share our inner feelings and reach out to one another.  It breaks down our walls and open us to reach out.  At the same time, we build this community with the uninhibited hand of nonattachment.  A community connection that is built on nonattachment feels free, supportive, fluid and creative. The thread weaves itself but never binds and locks as long as nonattachment is felt.  The heart bonds us with the fluidity felt with each beat, and we support each other in real time.


What has been wonderful to witness during this time of a pandemic is that building community is not bound by being in the same physical space.  When Don and I took our classes online we did it out of concern for our community.  We wanted to support each of you while so much uncertainty was in the air. Through online classes we felt we could hold safe space for YOU, but what we discovered was that you began to bond.  You reached out to support one another, you come together with consistency and allow each other to be fluid in your practice.  


It has been a gift we have received at the same time we gave it.  How beautiful!  We continue to hold the space for a practice of nonattachment and nonjudgment with both online and in person classes.  We feel your support and hope you are feeling ours.  We know that it is all fluid, you will find new communities as your practice continues and our world shifts.  Know that our gratitude is boundless!  




Nancy Curran