February's Practice Theme - LOVE!

Taking time each day for yourself can be life transforming.  Any act of self-care from brushing your teeth to meditation, from eating healthy to exercise, all contribute to our sense of wellbeing.  Most of our self-care teachings are anchored in the external, “how do we look”, and the maintenance of our physical function.  This month we will be exploring how to take care of our wellbeing through the way we feel.  Hence, we come to the heart!


Focusing on the heart goes beyond its physical care through cardiovascular exercise and eating healthy. It is equally important to raise awareness of our feelings and thoughts.  Do we take on situations with a sense of self care or self-criticism?  Do we learn from our challenges or mistakes with reproach or compassion?  How often do you recognize a feeling that you are having, take pause and elect to change it to something that rejuvenates or empowers you?


Each morning as you rise, begin your day by first becoming aware of your current state of emotions and do it with nonjudgment.  Your feelings are neither good nor bad, but they will have consequences especially when they are left unchecked.  Once you are aware you can make a choice to shift them using a sense of personal care, self compassion, forgiveness and/or intention.  How would you like to feel as you move through your day?  Set that intention and anchor it. 


As the day progresses, continue to check back in. Reestablish your intention and take time to find the space to speak, act and feel your self-loving intention.  Last thing to do at night is to clear any residual emotions before hitting the pillow and getting your rest.  You may be delighted in the results.


We have 29 days this February to practice acts of personal kindness, love, care, compassion, forgiveness.  Explore a theme each day that draws you to change a self-criticism to one of self- love!  Join us in class or virtually.  We’d love to share this practice with you.

Nancy Curran