April in Patience


Well, we certainly didn’t see this time in our life coming. Our month of Wisdom in March was heightened with the pandemic restrictions and advice that unfolded each day, giving us time to pause, reflect and assess. Operating from a place of wisdom helped me to discern what was the best course of events and choices for not only Don and me but also our community. As we move into April, Patience seemed to call out “pick me, pick me!” And so it is.

Patience, for each of us has a meaning and a feeling associated with it. Let’s start in the mind with the meaning. According to Merriam Webster it is the capacity or habit of being patient, which is then defined as

1: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint

2: manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain

3: not hasty or impetuous

4: steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity

I also find the definition from Lexico clear in its meaning, The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

Now let’s explore the heart meaning of patience. Patience, as the heart experiences it, is a powerful emotion that exudes a sense of peace and calm. We become clear thinkers when we are in the feeling of patience. The feeling is soothing, becalming, and uplifts your energy. Patience is the byproduct of a practice of appreciation, care and love. It is a feeling you experience in a moment of adversity that helps you navigate easily, finding creative solutions rather than slipping into the problems of the time.

This is our month to consciously explore what or how you feel in those time of patience.  In a moment of feeling patient notice the feeling and take note. You can train yourself to enact that feeling consciously, just as you probably got stuck in an unconscious pattern of anxiety or fear. Spend time each day being aware of your emotions and what actions are being derived from those feelings. Are you feeling anxious and looking for “anything” to do to help distract you from your feelings? Take pause, shift to your heart and bring yourself to feel the sense of peace, calm or ease that you have discovered in your feeling of patience. Feel it now.

Remember to be patient with yourself. Some of your habits have been ingrained in you for years. This month we will gently guide ourselves into a practice of patience. Being gentle with the essence of understanding our old dynamic makes it easier to maintain the practice. Jumping on ourselves with judgment undermines our willingness and discourages our desire to continue the practice.

If you ever “tried” something new only to drop it, you may have judged yourself in a way of defeat or lacking. This month gently turn yourself back to understanding that there is already a habit or pattern in place. You are using the month to shift from that pattern into that which enthuses patience in your life.

I raise my glass of appreciation to you and your practice! See you on social media for our daily post, on the mat online, or for HeartMath practice Monday-Saturday. Namaste!

Nancy Curran