Feeling Gratitude

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

William Arthur Ward



November is an excellent month to spend exploring this quote on a daily basis. How often have you felt gratitude, and yet missed the opportunity to express it in words, deeds, or actions?


Maybe this hits a nerve because you have a house full of things you have bought “just in case” you need to give a gift, but you never give them. They are tucked away in safekeeping or forgotten, in that box in the closet, under the bed or filling your attic. In that state they are stale, useless things until you dust them off and give them away. Then they become a brilliant expression of your love, connection or feelings for the recipient. What are you waiting for?  Start giving today!


Or maybe you feel reticent to express your feelings of gratitude in fear of rejection. You don’t want others to put you down or reject you for being too exuberant. So you hold back and bottle up those deep feelings that gratitude creates. Why are you letting others bring you down? Bottled up feelings can often “hurt” a whole lot worse then any sense of rejection. Unblock the cork on your feelings of gratitude and let them free! I promise you the outcome will feel fantastic!


For some of you your month of exploration will begin with a gratitude practice. Your daily life has you focused knee deep in the “losses”, “lack” or “suffering.” Turning to recognizing all of the gifts, or grace in your life is the beginning of exploring this quote. Why not start right now? Take a moment to write down 5 things you are grateful for. Need more help? Here is an excellent article about it from Helen Russell, How to Start a Gratitude Practice to Change Your Life.


Once you get this going there is no holding back. Don’t forget to then start expressing the gratitude you feel. Let the feelings grow and be expressed. You will find many ways to express them. Sometimes it will be by speaking the words, “thank you.” At other times you may find a warm smile, a gentle touch, or a look of deep gratitude shared will be enough. Don’t hold back when the gratitude needs to explode in song, dance, a leap of joy or a great big hug. You’ll know when expressing BIG will do no harm to anyone else. Get ready cause you may discover how POWERFUL expressing gratitude is! Spread the feeling.


Happy Thanks-GIVING!

Melissa Ingram