
I was speaking to a friend recently and we were talking about life (as we often do.)  It became so apparent to both of us how important it is to make decisions based on how it will move us forward, grow, learn and FLOURISH! 



Often it is so tempting to fall back on what is comfortable, simple or easy.  I will certainly attest to the value of that as a conscious practice when we are overwhelmed.  Sometimes it truly is important to rest on our laurels.  Float for a while to gather momentum before exerting into our growth pattern.    At the same time falling back can become an instilled habit, one where we begin to repeat patterns, feel stuck and limited.  Life begins to feel stale, or in a loop.  Anyone else thinking “Groundhog Day?”


How often do you pause when making decisions and ponder what choice will help you to grow or flourish?  Try it.  Take some time to examine your next decision and turn it over to look at which of your choices will move you forward and which one might be a step back.  Where are you stretching and where are you settling?  How can you add some FLOURISH to your life?


What does it mean to you to flourish?  Let’s take a look.


Just to give you some flavor of all the ways you can explore Flourish this month, here are some of the definitions.


·      grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.

·      a bold or extravagant gesture or action, made especially to attract the attention of others.

·      to grow luxuriantly

·      to achieve success

·      showiness in the doing of something

·      a sudden burst


I also love to look at synonyms when exploring concepts and the energy of our teachings.  So here you go.

  • prosper

  • arrive

  • succeed

  • thrive

  • prevail

  • triumph

  • win

  • excel

  • brandish

  • fanfare

  • embellish

  • elaborate

  • fanciful


Ohh, this month is going to be so much fun!  I hear the fanfare already!




Nancy Curran