Hiatus Time

For over 20 years we have run a yoga business that encouraged a sense of non-attachment as we would teach part of the year on Cape Cod and part of the year in Key West, FL.  The amount of time in each location has varied over the years, at first being predominantly on Cape Cod with a short time in Key West, to more time in Key West and summers on Cape Cod, to now just classes in Key West.  A constant throughout it all has been our hiatus time.  Time for us to take a step back, go on vacations, visit family, take workshops, grow, learn, and rejuvenate.


However short or long it was, our hiatus time was so vital in building our reserves used for teaching, to charge the bright lights of creativity and renew our stores of passion.  The value of that time became remarkably clear recently as I pondered what to focus on for the month of June.  It became clear that we all could use some time to explore what it means to take a hiatus.


By definition, hiatus means an interruption in time or continuity, a break.  It is how we use that break where the value and magic lies.  Sometimes the value comes in not doing, while other times it is in the intentions of expanding presence and mindfulness, to renew our hearts by spending time with loved ones, finding the time to reconnect with nature or our community. 


This month start to note all the ways you benefit by taking time out, find space, clear out the cobwebs, and renew yourself. When things seem muddled and unclear consider stepping back and creating a mini hiatus.  Sometimes that moment, that breath, that space levels things out enough to see clearly again.


Even in typing this out I realized the value of each space between the words (otherwiseitwouldalllooklikethis.)  In your yoga practice, explore how breath is used to create space, time, and a pause between creating a pose and settling into it, shifting out of it and countering its actions.  Off the mat or on, June will prove a wonderful month to explore hiatus.

Nancy Curran