Loving Potential


I love a new year, with all of its fresh energy, expansive potential, and unlimited possibilities. This year feels especially sweet, as I sit on the cusp of feeling last year’s inner inertia and releases that are blossoming into changes, actions and adventures!  The newness seems to be extending out a supportive hand to me to reset my course, with no judgment, reestablish my direction fluidly and proclaim my intentions courageously.


Yoga has been such a gift to me in so many ways, and unlocking potential is one of the BIG ways!  As written in HOW YOGA WORKS, Yoga “bangs on my inner pipes”, helping me to dig deep and move things around in my body, mind and spirit.  It keeps me from getting stuck, as it was Yoga that helped me to become an observer of my mind’s thoughts, my heart’s feelings and my spirit’s alignment.


The power of observing ourselves is deeply rooted in the gifts of being neutral, rather than reactive to what is occurring in the moment. When I am able to simply observe my inner environment, feeling the inner reaction, hearing my mind, and seeing if my spirit is aligned to it all, I find I have far more options than when I react out of unconscious habits. A gap is created, that has a sense of stillness and calm, that tempers or awakens me.


The habits we are so often unconscious of, that tirelessly repeat themselves draining us of energy and creating much of our suffering, come to the surface during my yoga practice.  I see my mind wandering into past ruminating, or future worries and in just the simple act of SEEING it I have become present, and in that moment of clarity I can consciously make choices that elevate me.  I am free again to make a choice to feel something that renews me rather than depletes me.


HeartMath has helped me tremendously in the awakening from habits that deplete me and guides me daily in tools that uplift me. I live more connected to my heart, and use the easy tools to make the shifts that assist me in making changes on a moment to moment basis.  I’ll catch myself in habits that I recognize are pulling me down, and in that awareness, I breath, connect to my heart and choose a feeling that uplifts me.  It is a very powerful and blends with my yoga practice and daily life so simply.


In my daily yoga practice, I am reminded of the deep tenants of Yoga, especially to observe the habits bound by Avidyas – desire, aversion, fear and ego.  Am I desiring something?  Do I wish to avoid something? What am I afraid of?  Is my ego driving me beyond my spirit’s guidelines?  These are questions I ponder throughout the day, opening my eyes wider beyond the limits of my desires, or aversions, fears and egoism.


It is often said, “this is so hard” when referring to making changes or building the ability to observe ourselves and I get that.  For me it is also the voice of ego that is crying out in fear of losing out in some way.  At the same time, pausing in those moments I recognize how hard it is to stay the same, suffering in my own manifestations of unhappiness, suffering or self-defeating habits.  I then choose the path of change, as it relieves rather than continues the “this is so hard” path.  As the new pattern uplifts me, I am inspired and the “hard” becomes light and easy!


So here in the newness of 2018, may you be inspired. May we all rise above our current habits, and find a path of renewal. May you love your way into your potential.  In support of one another may the hard become easy.


Happy New Year, new you!

Melissa Ingram