Celebrating Breakthroughs


It has been such a pleasure to become a Coach/Mentor of HeartMath™ Resilience Training.  With each session comes the opportunity to support individuals and groups in empowering themselves to lessen the strife in their lives by using the powers of the heart to build their resilience. It is truly remarkable to be in the presence of transformation, as each client, in their own way, begins to pull themselves out of patterns that have created suffering, conflict, and unhappiness in their lives.


One of the most remarkable awareness’s that has come to light in this labor of love is that many of us are stuck in a pattern of self-negation.  We find fault with ourselves, spend much of our time staring at the lack within ourselves, and are stuck in patterns of self-doubt or dissatisfaction.  Ring a bell for you?


“I didn’t do enough” is shared by so many of my clients as we begin to work with the HeartMath techniques. They share what they did accomplish, with a quick follow up that dismisses it in the umbra of lack or some form of failure.  Their moments of breakthroughs or new realizations are overshadowed by a pattern of self-defeating negation.  It is powerful and tenacious!


In a recent meditation I did with Oprah and Deepak, I was struck by this statement from Oprah, “We make living far more difficult than it needs to be.  Our struggle from and resistance to what is…entangles us in frustration and heaviness.”  We entangle ourselves.  We become bound in frustration and heaviness.  Any step forward is quickly consumed in that frustration and heaviness. We waste away living, when we could be thriving, jubilant and deeply content. We are not alone with this pattern, we are surrounded by too many who are consumed by it and encouraged by that community of like-minded self-negators.


I encourage all of us to hit the pause button, take some breaths in and out of our hearts and CELEBRATE our breakthroughs.  Any step forward, that uplifts us, needs to be encouraged. Become your own champion with the same power and tenacity that we created our patterns of self-negation. Turn that balderdash around!


Spend time recognizing any shift you make in a new direction.  Breathe in and celebrate it!


Notice others who are celebrating their achievements, successes, breakthroughs and join them!


Cut yourself off when you start to negate your breakthroughs, breathe again, and give yourself a virtual (or actual) high five!


Notice the moments you spend uplifting yourself, changing a feeling within yourself, diverting your mind from depleting or defeating thoughts to ones that uplift or renew you, AND CELEBRATE each triumph.  It is truly remarkable to transform ourselves like a caterpillar into a butterfly!  Why not celebrate, jubilantly, each and every time we accomplish a transformation?


Even as you read this you may be steeped in a pattern that wants to resist.  Notice it.  Smile in the face of your own tenacity to be burdened or bound.  In that awareness you are given a moment of celebration. Exclaim to yourself, “I SEE IT!” In that moment change has begun!

